Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wrong Thing Right Then

   This is going to be brief, I just have another anecdote about the mailman: I was camping with Bobby's family for Memorial Day weekend and the Mailman came up in conversation. Bobby's father, whom (It is whom, right? I'm not great with the who/whom thing) we refer to as the Ultimate Mystery and essentially worship, told me this:
   The mailman greeted him one morning and asked if his kids were off to college. Ultimate Mystery told him that Bobby's away in college and his sister is going away next year. He was about to add that his youngest hasn't started high school yet, when the Mailman interjected with "Well, you'll have a lot more time to chase your wife around!" The Ultimate Mystery stood in awkward silence for a moment, and the Mailman immediately repented.
   "I'm so sorry, was that inappropriate?"
   "Well... a little," Ultimate Mystery replied.
   The Mailman proceeded to apologize profusely, leaving the Ultimate Mystery to deduct that people had complained about the Mailman in the past and further complaints would put his job in jeopardy.

This is a picture of Bobby over the weekend in the middle of a game of Dizzy Bat.
I'm putting up one of him because I don't have one of his dad.

1 comment:

  1. I SUCK at the who/whom thing. Like I don't even have a clue.
